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March 13th: ai in lighting

Artificial intelligence: how it will impact lighting professionals

Artificial Intelligence (AI)I is growing in its power over our lives and accelerating into the marketplace at unprecedented speed.  It can suck us into endless YouTube videos and social media engagement, often with nothing of value to show for our time.  It can generate and distribute misinformation faster and more effectively than any alternative method without consequence, or conscience. 

Anything strong enough to help us is strong enough to hurt us and AI promises both.  The potential for rapid advancements and enhancement to our writing and graphics is evident already and more tools are available every week.  Conversely, the ability of AI to disseminate lies, deepfake images and voices, and to hallucinate incorrect responses is a current threat.  The creators of generative AI have lost control of their creation.  They do not understand why it does what it does and many of them are afraid and warning us of impending danger.  We are also warned that not embracing AI will make us irrelevant.

The lighting community needs to use AI for good while minimizing its negative impact on us.  Hundreds of new tools are available to us for marketing, design, manufacturing, collaboration, developing AI agents, consumer education and more.   Attend this session to identify the best of them, what is coming and how we can help to safeguard ourselves and our businesses while utilizing these helpful new tools.

Presenter: Mark Lien LC, G-CUVMP, CLEP, CLMC, HBDP, LEED AP

About our presenter:

Mark has designed interior and exterior lighting systems for a wide range of applications including residential, municipal, retail, healthcare, energy audit retrofits and both conventional and nuclear power plants. He started his lighting career by managing home centers and a lighting center providing sales and design specifications.  Mark has provided lighting education while working, presenting, and teaching across four continents.  He serves on over twenty lighting related committees including ASHRAE, ANSI, IEEE, ICC, IUVA, IDA, NALMCO and the IES.  As a part of his work, he monitors over 100 lighting and technology related organizations.

Mark is a columnist for Lighting Design and Application Magazine writing on the changes in our industry and he hosts a podcast on lighting trends and technologies.  Mark has served on multiple boards and is currently on several executive committees advising various organizations.  Mark ran the educational centers for both Cooper and Hubbell Lighting and was the Director of Government & Industry Relations for OSRAM SYLVANIA before joining the Illuminating Engineering Society. He serves as industry consultant to the IES today through his company, Augmented Illumination.  Mark has been inducted into the Michigan Lighting Hall of Fame, has a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Edison Report and Presidential Awards from the IES.

Our event will be held at Dave & Buster’s Hanover, if interested please register by following the link below:

Save the date!

IES Baltimore’s Annual Crab Feast is June 12th, 2025. Registration & further details coming soon.